CDSS Training Site

California RFA Trainings


Welcome to the California Resource Family Approval Family Evaluation Training registration website. Below, you will see the description, objectives, and dates of the training. In order to register, please click on the date that you would like to attend and you will be directed to registration for that specific training.

Note: This is a 5.5-hour training for County Workers and Probation staff and an additional 1 hour for Supervisors. CEU’s offered through CAMFT. Please go to the individual registration pages.

together we create

critical connections

for life

Upcoming Trainings

This training is designed to provide county child welfare staff, supervisors and probation staff with additional skill development to conduct meaningful and timely family evaluations. In addition, we will also address incorporating the information into the written report, as required to approve Resource Families.

Learning Goals and Objectives:

1. Successfully mitigate potential concerns within the Family Evaluation.
2. Utilize behaviorally based questions to address all key components of the RFA
3. Write a concise, thorough report that highlights the families strengths and assesses
their capacity to be an approved Resource Family.

Registered participants will receive training link via a confirmation e-mail Materials will be e-mailed to participants two days prior to the training.


March 25, 2025

9-4 for Non-Supervisors
9-5 for Supervisors

Online Webinar

Training Description

This is an annual training designed for new and emerging writers and supervisors of the Family Evaluation portion of the RFA written report. Register


May 22, 2025

9-4 for Non-Supervisors
9-5 for Supervisors

Online Webinar

Training Description

This is an annual training designed for new and emerging writers and supervisors of the Family Evaluation portion of the RFA written report. Register